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About Us

The history behind

When in 1990 (the first year of democrasy in Bulgaria) Plamen founded his first trading company, I was still teaching in a university and had no intention to join his business. But little by little this business became family business and the natural way of growth was to do what we’ve learned for and what we’ve dreamed of. 

So - the trademark DeepTech was registered in 2003 and we started independent production of metal detectors under it.

And still - DeepTech is the only company in Bulgaria which doesn’t rely on outsourced developments and in which the design of the electronic circuits, research and development work is executed by the company owner Dipl. Eng. Plamen Rashkov, who graduated Technical University of Varna, Faculty of Electronics. 

DeepTech is proud of its history full of world famous people - unfortunately some of them are not amongst us anymore. Without the help, the ideas and the support of these writers, researchers, manufacturers, dealers and many others our detectors would never be what they are today. A big “Thanks” to all of them. To all of you. 

When a few years ago we met a representator of one of the most popular metal detector companies told Plamen he is in top 10 of the analog engineers in this area, I realized what we were fighting for. 

If I can periphraze Napoleon’s words that behind every successful man there is a woman - I’m happy to be the woman behind Plamen Rashkov - and all of you know me. 
